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Like with the F-15, I had to undergo a full day of training before my flight. Likita guess, an Air Force Staff Sergeant, conducted another medical examination. As with the F-15, a seriesof classes was held on how to evacuate the plane if it caught fire on the ground. Ejection seat training is also required in the case of a major mishap in the air.

There was no F-15 training, but there was parachute practice. We practiced sideways jumping from a small pad, rolling and bouncing on it to simulate a soft landing. A drill was used to simulate a collision with a power line or tree. This was done by hanging from a harness and pulling the two rings of the parachute. It was then a simple descent down the rope to the ground. It was an awkward procedure, but I eventually managed to do it.

The cockpit of the plane is at the top of the fuselage, accessible via two pairs of narrow stairs. The cockpit is cramped and claustrophobic, which is not what you would expect from such a large plane.Tudor Replica Watches I was in the third cockpit, behind the pilot and copilot.

The takeoff was originally scheduled for 5:30 pm, but it was delayed due to a parachute pack that arrived late (the Tudor Replica Watches uses the rear chute as a landing aid), and then by a software bug in the OES system. The sun was very low when we took off at 7:15 pm, using the call sign "Chill22."

Plan was to fly via Deering (ND) to Dickinson and perform GBU-54 conventional guided weapons simulation runs. Then return to Minot to do some circle patterns, followed by a touch-and-go touchdown.Replica Breitling Chronomat 01 The evening weather was not particularlycooperative, with intermittent heavy cloud cover. The bomber's training would be more difficult.

In mid-flight, Major Seth Spidahl, the aircraft commander, and Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Stayer (pilot and copilot for this mission) directed me to sit in the pilot's chair for a look-see. It was a beautiful view. They asked me if I would like to fly the plane! At first I thought they were just joking, but they were serious. Sure, whynot? When would I be in a Tudor Replica Watches again?

The plane is heavy and handles like a bus. The steering was very loose. If I turned left at first, there was no response. The plane's wing finally turned left, but reluctantly. The same with a right turn. The copilot was holding his steering wheel close in case I made a mistake. It seemed like I "flew" a long time.