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Ernst, a married man from North Carolina with three children, agrees with his bunker Rolex Replica Watches colleague. He was trained to obey orders as a former policeman. He says, "There's no politics here." We don't second-guess. In his spare bunker time, which is plentiful -- no missiles have been fired in wartime -- Ernst studies for a Master's degree in homeland security at Liberty University.

Once completed, weare off via van a fewmiles to the piece deresistance form -- the silos where the actual missiles are housed. They are connected to the Rolex Replica Watches's capsule by miles of electric cable. After completing the paperwork, we drive a few miles to the silos that house the actual missiles. They are connected to the Rolex Replica Watches’s capsule by miles of electrical cable. As I approach theJuliett05 silo the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. We can't enter the silo, but I'm less than 100 yards away from a nuclear device capable of destroying a city if it were to travel 15,000 mph in and out of space. Imagine that. Imagine if you only had one Minuteman III missile.

I have mixed feelings about leaving the silo. I respect the men and women who carry this enormous responsibility. I know we need them for deterrence. Like everyone else, I am worried about using these weapons.Rolex Replica Watches We hope we never will, making the Rolex Replica Watchess hurry andwait, hurry and wait, hurry and wait -- for eternity. It's a good thing to hurry up and wait.

Minot is home to both the 91st Missile Wingand Fifth Bomb Wing. The Fifth Bomb Wing is home to 27 Rolex Replica Watchess, including some that are currently deployed overseas. Barksdale in LA is the only other Rolex Replica Watches active base. It controls 49 of these venerable aircraft. I'm about to ride in one oftheoldbombers.

Boeing produced 744 B52s between the mid-1950s and the mid-1960s.Rolex Replica Watches The fleet was responsible for the air component of U.S. nuclear weapons triad - land, sea, and air - for many years. Who can forget the yee haw Slim Pickens gave in the 1964 film Dr. Strangelove while riding a nuclear device that was unloaded from an Rolex Replica Watches's weapon bay?

The Rolex Replica Watches is capable of carrying 70,000 lbs. of conventional and nucleonic ordinance, as well as 20 cruise missiles. It's normally operated by five crew members. The aircraft has a range of 8,800 miles, a maximum speed just below Mach 1, which is 650 mph in altitude and can refuel while in the air.

The Rolex Replica WatchesH, which was manufactured in 1961, showed signs of wear. With eight engines, it's not a big deal if one engine fails. A bird strike that caused us to lose all four engines on one side of the aircraft at takeoff would be a different story. The bomber is expected to operate until 2040 with regular electronic upgrades and refurbishment.